
作者:admin 2018-10-08 点击量:


  當這些羊皮卷上的文字,被我奇妙的心靈完全吸收之後,我每天都會充滿活力地醒來。我從來沒有這樣精力充沛過。我更有活力,更有熱情,要向世界挑戰的欲望克服了一切恐懼與不安。在這個充滿争鬥和悲傷的世界裏,我竟然比以前更快活。 最後,我會發現自己有了應付一切情況的辦法。不久,這些辦法就能哂米匀纾驙懀魏畏椒ǎb要多練習,就會變得簡單易行。



  我鄭重地發誓,絕不讓任何事情妨礙我新生命的成長。在閱讀這些羊卷的時候,我絕不浪費一天的時間,因爲時光一去不返,失去的日子是無法彌補的。我也絕不打破每天閱讀的習慣。事實上,每天在這些新習慣上花費少許時間,相對于可能獲得的愉樂與成功而言,隻是微不足道的代價。 當我閱讀羊皮卷中的字句時,絕不能出爲文字的精煉而忽視内容的深沉。一瓶葡萄美酒需要千百顆果子釀制而成,果皮和渣子抛給小鳥。葡萄的智慧代代相傳,有些被過濾,有些被淘汰,随風飄逝。隻有純正的真理才是永恒的。它們就精煉在我要閱讀的文字中。我要依照指示,絕不浪費,飲下成功的種子。



  《Today I begin a new life》

  Today I shed my old skin which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediority.

  Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.

  Today I will pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard,for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me,generation upon generation.

  Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me.

  The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth.

  Yet I will not fail, as the others, for in my hands I now hold the charts which will guide through perilous waters to shores which only yesterday seemed but a dream.

  Failure no longer will be my payment for struggle. Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure. Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. Now I reject it and I am prepared for wisdom and principles which will guide me out of the shadows into the sunlight of wealth, position, and happiness far beyond my most extravagant dreams until even the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides will seem no more than my just reward.

  Time teaches all things to him who lives forever but I have not the luxury of eternity. Yet within my allotted time I must practice the art of patience for nature acts never in haste. To create the olive, king of all trees, a hundred years is required. An onion plant is old in nine weeks. I have lived as an onion plant. It has not pleased me. Now I wouldst become the greatest of olive trees and, in truth, the greatest of salesman.

  And how will this be accomplished? For I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve the greatness and already I have stumbled in ignorance and fallen into pools of self-pity. The answer is simple. I will commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience. Nature already has supplied me with knowledge and instinct far greater than any beast in the forest and the value of experience is overrated, usually by old men who nod wisely and speak stupidly.

  In truth, experience teaches thoroughly yet her course of instruction devours men's years so the value of her lessons diminishes with the time necessary to acquire her special wisdom. The end finds it wasted on dead men. Furthermore, experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow.

  Only principles endure and these I now possess, for the laws that will lead me to greatness are contained in the words of these scrolls. What they will teach me is more to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success other than a state of mind? Which two, among a thouand wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described but one way. Failure is man's inability to reach his goals in life, whatever they may be.

  1. 英语美文点亮智慧人生39:Life Is All
  2. 英语美文点亮智慧人生40:The Old Fish
  3. 英语美文点亮智慧人生41:A Moment of
  4. 英语美文点亮智慧人生42:A Perfect He
  5. 英语美文点亮智慧人生43:Cherish as G







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